The MeRT℠ Process
Step 1: Record EEG

We conduct an eyes-closed 10 minute quantitative electroencephalogram (q-EEG) and an electrocardiogram (ECG) that measures brain activity frequencies, heart rate and brain-heart coherence. Our scientific and clinical teams then analyse the results to better understand your brain state.
Step 2: EEG Analysis and Review

We use a patented approach along with neurophysiological data such as the q-EEG/ECG to develop a customized therapy protocol that aims to encourage and re-align neural activity and neuron communication. All MeRT℠ therapy protocols are approved by our neuroscientists and clinicians before delivery.
Step 3: MeRT Therapy

Assuming a comfortable position, therapy is delivered by placing the magnetic coil on part of the head. The coil delivers a personalised therapy protocol to the targeted region of the brain. Typical therapy lasts for approximately 1 hr with stimulation at 5 second intervals.
Step 4: Progress Evaluation

We take sequential q-EEG and ECG recordings every 10 treatments to monitor progress and make any necessary modifications to your therapy protocol. This ensures we are always taking the best approach based on your current neurological state, this ensures improved functional recovery. A typical course of MeRT℠ varies, but on average, ranges between 4-6 weeks (post the initial 2 week evaluation period) and runs Monday through to Friday.